Posts in History Lessons
Grit with Gods: Bastet, the Lioness Warrior

Of all the feline deities, none attained higher rank than Bastet, goddess of many interlinked domains: warfare and protection, fertility and children, music, the arts, and, of course, perfume.

You might wonder why a goddess of fertility and children is important to me, a woman who always wanted dogs, never wanted children, and never relented, in spite of the protestations of strangers, friends, and family alike.

Let me explain.

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Grit with Gods: Aker

For thousands of years, we’ve been telling ourselves the same basic stories which deliver the same basic lessons on how to live life happily. Each generation must learn them anew. There’s a beautiful irony in calling on the ancients for contemporary guidance: Though sourced from an era that looked almost nothing like ours, the fundamental tenets have everything to do with how to live well today.

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9 Feet of Manure: 4 Things that Could Never Happen — Until They Did

As an investor and an advisor, I frequently preach the gospel of humility, and of resisting overconfidence. You may feel certain that the future will resemble the present in fundamental ways; in all likelihood, it won’t. Let’s review a few key moments in history where prominent figures issued direly wrong judgments.

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Aristotle Revisited: What Ancient Philosophy Can Teach Us About Modern Happiness

The question of whether money can bring you happiness is as old as time (which is money) itself. I’ve written about the topic before, arguing that money can bring you happiness, depending on how intentional you are with it. Since then, some valuable thought has taken place, which, conveniently, adds some credence and depth to my ideas.

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