Posts in False Gods
False Gods: “Magical Trusts Will Teach My Children Well”

As a wealth advisor, I often have conversations with parents concerned about spoiling their children. “I just don’t want my kid to turn into Paris Hilton,” they tell me, using “Hilton” as a byword for all that can go wrong with a privileged upbringing. Their children are often either adolescents or young adults, displaying some Hilton-esque warning signs.

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False Gods — Givin’ on a Prayer: The Myths that Starve Philanthropy

Philanthropy is one of my favorite things. I have dedicated many hours to it for myself, and my clients, over the past 25 years. But, as Andrew Carnegie said, “It is more difficult to give money away intelligently than to earn it in the first place.” Philanthropy — it’s a messy business. And, in philanthropy even more than in investing, far too often we (including yours truly) are still ruled by our caveman brains.

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