Posts tagged growth
The Family Consigliere: How Aker Secured Multigenerational Wealth with a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Sale… and Beyond

I’ve been in wealth management since 1998. Before that, I practiced corporate tax law at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison and worked as an investment banker at JP Morgan. I’ve seen the topic of financial security from many angles: the legal, the numerical, and most recently, the psychological and emotional.

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Magical Mystery Tour: The Past, the Future, and the Now

2020. For me and mine, it started like a perfectly normal year: a lovely New Year’s Eve, far from the maddening crowds of NYC, a birthday fest for our Labradoodle, Hudson and me; an annual ski trip to one of my favorite places in the world, Jackson Hole.

Then, devastation came, and came, and came, and came again.

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Basic Instincts: Psychological Bias in Decision-Making

We have brains that worked well to solve ancestral problems. Difficulties arise when we take those ancestral instincts to unnatural environments. And there is no more unnatural environment for a human brain than a financial market. In modern markets, humans are fish out of water. However, our seemingly irrational behaviors are actually rather predictable and systematic. By understanding those behaviors that influence decision-making, I strive to become a better investor, advisor, and human being.

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