Posts tagged thought leadership
Bringing it All Back Home: Why Bob Dylan Sold His Catalog for $300 Million

Despite my decade-plus-long devotion to Dylan’s music, I unfortunately don’t possess a channel directly into the man’s mind. I can’t say with absolute certainty why Dylan decided now was the time to sell, but I have one hypothesis which I haven’t read elsewhere: He’s looking out for his kids.

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Magical Mystery Tour: The Past, the Future, and the Now

2020. For me and mine, it started like a perfectly normal year: a lovely New Year’s Eve, far from the maddening crowds of NYC, a birthday fest for our Labradoodle, Hudson and me; an annual ski trip to one of my favorite places in the world, Jackson Hole.

Then, devastation came, and came, and came, and came again.

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Basic Instincts: Psychological Bias in Decision-Making

We have brains that worked well to solve ancestral problems. Difficulties arise when we take those ancestral instincts to unnatural environments. And there is no more unnatural environment for a human brain than a financial market. In modern markets, humans are fish out of water. However, our seemingly irrational behaviors are actually rather predictable and systematic. By understanding those behaviors that influence decision-making, I strive to become a better investor, advisor, and human being.

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Metrics, Math, & More: For Charitable Giving, Follow Your Heart, and Keep Your Head

When it comes to charitable giving, good intentions alone do little good, and money alone does even less. Effective philanthropy starts with the heart, but has to be shepherded by the head — that is, reliance on tried-and-true metrics, which demonstrate whether a charity is actually doing what it claims to do. Here’s how — and why — it’s so important to look before you leap, and make sure your money is actually the impact you intend.

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