Posts tagged grace
Comfortably Uncomfortable: Randy Kaufman and Dustin Lowman on Growing Through Discomfort

Humans are subject to an insidious push and pull between comfort and discomfort. Like any species with the evolutionary persistence to survive for millions of years, we’ve survived largely by our ability to identify and avoid threats — toothsome predators in days long past, nebulous anxieties of moneylessness and failure today.

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Cato, My Father, and Me: What I (Unknowingly) Learned About Living from the Stoics

My father named our family’s first dog — a medium-sized, regal brown poodle — Cato. During Cato’s long life, many assumed the name “Cato” came from the Green Hornet’s sidekick, similarly named “Kato.” However, my father, never a TV watcher, insisted that he’d named the dog for some long-dead Ancient Roman senator.

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The Family Consigliere: How Aker Secured Multigenerational Wealth with a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Sale… and Beyond

I’ve been in wealth management since 1998. Before that, I practiced corporate tax law at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison and worked as an investment banker at JP Morgan. I’ve seen the topic of financial security from many angles: the legal, the numerical, and most recently, the psychological and emotional.

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False Gods: “Magical Trusts Will Teach My Children Well”

As a wealth advisor, I often have conversations with parents concerned about spoiling their children. “I just don’t want my kid to turn into Paris Hilton,” they tell me, using “Hilton” as a byword for all that can go wrong with a privileged upbringing. Their children are often either adolescents or young adults, displaying some Hilton-esque warning signs.

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