Posts in Reading Lessons
Back to the Fiction: Summer Reading, 2023

My love of reading was built on a foundation of fiction. I have vivid memories of reading under a tree in Westchester with one of our family’s many dogs, devouring Gone with the Wind. This love would extend through my travels of early adulthood — to the otherworldly classics of French and Russian literature.

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Randy's Recs: Top 10 Books of 2021

As has become a holiday tradition, I’ve compiled my top 10 books of 2021. They cover a wide spectrum — novels, graphic novels, pandemic nonfiction, rock star memoir — and they all shimmer with one (or more) of my four G’s: Grit, Grace, Growth, and Gratitude. As my gift to you, here are 10 books that, if you need a good read, won’t let you down. As always, I welcome dialogue — what would be on your top 10 list?

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That's A(nother) Wrap! Writing My Way Through 2021

As America started its painful process of breaking up with its tyrannical commander-in-Cheeto, I experienced my own little breakup. A global pandemic ravished the world, and I left corporate America. I was tired of not being able to say what I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted. I loved my work, and I loved my clients, but after 40 years in corporate environments, it was time to spread my wings — and to raise my voice.

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From the South of France to the Hudson Valley: Why I Read, and Why I Write

A lot of money-oriented people don’t see the point in writing. A lot of corporate communications are filled with typos, dry language, and other missed opportunities to generate meaning. I went away from the literary arts for a long time, focusing on my career. But I came back when I desperately needed answers. I’m never leaving again.

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